Pleasanton Evangelical Free Church​

"Planting, Growing, Harvesting Together"


What a Mighty God We Serve!

Pleasanton Evangelical Free Church (PEFC) began August 1981 as a home Bible study on Sunday evenings. By November, meetings moved into the old bank building in downtown Pleasanton. February 1982, Ralph Larson joined the team as part-time church planting pastor. Larson came from the Kearney Evangelical Free Church (EFC). This began our partnership with Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) as both Sumner and Kearney EFC served as supporting churches. The support saw fruit quickly as PEFC held its first baptism service that year along with the addition of children’s and women’s ministries. The first daily Vacation Bible School was held in the old bank building and Free Church Women's Ministry (FCWM) begasn regular meetings. What a Mighty God we serve!

The very next year, already looking toward the future, the congregation purchased land for the future building. Pastor Roger Ellis was also called in 1983 as the church’s first fulltime pastor. In November, a "Come Share the Harvest" celebration and fundraising was held at the Kearney EFC. On Thanksgiving Day, the congregation gathered at the building site to break ground and to celebration God’s blessing and provision. What a Mighty God we serve!


The community of Pleasanton has remained instrumental in the success of PEFC.  In March 1984, the basement was poured and a church raising was organized with the help of the Pleasanton community and surrounding neighbors. In October the church’s constitution was completed and a Thanksgiving service was held in the nearly completed church building. By December the congregation moved into completed building holding the first Sunday morning worship service. What a Mighty God we serve!


The congregation declared autonomy in February of 1985 and in June the congregation dedicated the building.   Awana began in September 1985 and a weekly youth program remains a vital ministry continuing to this day.  February 1986 the District Superintendent of EFCA presented the church with a check that allowed the church to pay off it’s debt and become debt free! What a Mighty God we serve!


Transition and growth came with the end of one decade and the beginning of another. April 1990, God called Pastor Ellis to a new ministry in Topeka. KS. Amazingly by July God brought our second fulltime pastor, Brian Fugleberg. Through ladies Bible studies, group Bible studies, preschool, as well as other community activities, the Lord has helped us grow. The building of a new parsonage began in September of 2004 on adjacent church property. What a Might God we serve!


Brian shepherded the flock at PEFC for fifteen years. We remain grateful for his ministry in Pleasanton. In May 2005, Brian and his family moved into the newly built parsonage which was dedicated on November 6th. But shortly after, in August God called Pastor Brian, Nancy his wife and his family to Goodland, KS to serve as the church plant pastor of new EFC. Pastor Walter Watts served as interim pastor from October 2005 to March 2006. In June 2006, God called Tim Pearson as PEFC 3rd fulltime pastor. What a Might God we serve!


Late 2008 into 2009 marked another season of transition for PEFC. Pastor Tim resigned in December 2008 and the church went under the guidance of the STP Board. In June 2009 David Oldham began as interim pastor and transitioned into the 4th fulltime pastor in 2010. July 2011, the church returned to automony and accepted the new by-laws.  The church once again became debt free.  In 2012 the outside of the church building was remodeled. Pastor Dave resigned in 2013 and March 2014 Bob Pier began as interim pastor. Chris Boucher served as PEFC's 5th fulltime pastor, from preaching his first sermon at PEFC on October 4th, 2015 to his resignation on February 14th, 2024What a Might God we serve!


That brings up to today. God continues to be gracious to us. We are greatly anticipating what the Lord will do in our midst as we await His provision of our next full time pastor. We would love for you to join us as we experience the joys and fellowship of our loving congregation! His faithfulness is abundant! What a Might God we serve!



Mission: We Exist to Glorify God by Teaching People to Love God Through the Bible, Caring for the Needy (Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually) and to Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to All



Be a part of the Vision

Vision: We Strive to Glorify God by Being a Welcoming, Loving and Forgiving Family Building Strong, Supportive, Godly Relationships in Our Community and World As We Draw People to Jesus by Presenting Biblical Truths in a Relevant Way



Keeps us Focused

Planting, Growing, Harevesting Together


From first being the visitors, knowing only the family who invited us and a few old friends,to months later going regularly and meeting more of the congregation each Sunday, the Pleasanton EFC feels like home. We enjoy the uplifting music choices and the ladies who lead them, getting time to greet one another each Sunday, and Pastor Chris's way of delivering his message with media selections and slides to lay scripture out clearly. Everyone is friendly and inviting and we are very thankful we were asked to come join!


Elline invited us after we mention we needed a new church family. We were welcomed with open arms and smiles. My childhood hymns are sung as well as some of my favorite contemporary verses. This makes praising God so gratifying. The words of Yahweh perpetuates my heart and soul from sound Biblical teaching. The heartwarming prayers are like ones prayed around a Christian family table. A family simple in living, but Big in Love, faith, and giving sums up our church family. We love our family.




We are greatly anticipating what the Lord will do in our midst as we await His provision of our next full time pastor. We would love for you to join us as we experience the joys and fellowship of our loving congregation with guest preachers and speakers on Sunday mornings. We serve a mighty God and His faithfulness is abundant!


AUTHENTICITY:  We believe we can’t be what God has called us to be if we are not genuinely ourselves. We must be real with one another so that we make a connection with one another on a higher level.


BIBLICAL TRUTH: We believe the Bible is God’s inerrant truth and it’s the foundation to everything we do. 


COMMUNICATION: We seek to make biblical truth clear and relevant to your daily life. We seek to do that creatively, passionately and accurately.


LIFE TOGETHER: We aren’t interested in being a place where a lot of people get together for an inspiring service but never move beyond the casual, arm’s distance relationships of an auditorium.


INVOLVMENT: We seek every member’s involvement in every aspect of church life.


GROWTH: This is a safe place for everyone. But safe doesn’t mean comfortable. The answers aren’t always comfortable.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11